Magnetic Fields

The gamale class provides functionality to deal with galactic magnetic field lenses. The lenses are based on the healpy framework and maps extragalactic directions to observed directions, depending on the respective magnetic field model and the rigidity of the particle.

Module for handling galactic magnetic field lenses. The lenses can be created with the lens-factory:

class gamale.Lens(cfname=None)[source]

Bases: object

Galactic magnetic field lens class. Lenses can be created with the lens-factory tool (requires CRPropa):

We use the following conventions:
  • the lens maps directions at the galactic border (pointing outwards back to the source) to observed directions on Earth (pointing outwards)

  • the Galactic coordinate system is used

  • spherical coordinates are avoided

  • for each logarithmic energy bin there is a lens part represented by a matrix

  • energies are given in log10(energy[eV])

  • the matrices (lens_parts) are in compressed sparse column format (

  • for each matrix M_ij
    • the row number i indexes the observed direction

    • the column number j the direction at the Galactic edge

  • indices are HEALPix pixel in ring scheme.


Perform sanity checks and set HEALpix nside parameter.


lp – lens part as scipy.sparse matrix (alternative: float for log10(R/V))

get_lens_part(log10e, z=1, cache=True, force=False)[source]

Return the matrix corresponding to a given energy log10e [log_10(energy[eV])] and charge number Z

  • log10e – energy in units log_10(energy / eV) of the lens part

  • z – charge number z of the lens part

  • cache – Caches all the loaded lens parts (increases speed, but may consume a lot of memory!)

  • force – Forces to take the closest available bin, even if not directly covered


the specified lens part as scipy.sparse matrix


Load and configure the lens from a config file (columns: filename minR maxR …) in order of ascending rigidity. For conventions see:


cfname – path where the config filename can be found


Load a lens which was not produced with the lenstools (produced in NY by Glennys Farrar and Chen Ding)


cfname – path where the config filename can be found

gamale.extragalactic_vector(mat, i)[source]

Return the HEALpix vector of extragalactic directions for a given matrix and observed pixel i.

  • mat – lens part as scipy.sparse matrix

  • i – pixel of the observed direction


extragalactic distribution for observed direction i (HEALpix vector of size npix)

gamale.flux_map(mat, observed_map=None)[source]

Computes the flux (transparency) of the galactic magnetic field outside the Galaxy

  • mat – lens part, scipy sparse matrix with shape (npix, npix)

  • observed_map – HEALPix map of assumed observed map, if None uniform distribution


flux map as HEALpix vector of size npix

gamale.load_lens_part(fname, transpose=False)[source]

Load a lens part from the given filename (should be .npz or .mldat).

  • fname – file name to save the lens part (either .npz or .mldat)

  • transpose – transposes the matrix (for use with NY convention)


lens part as scipy.sparse matrix


Calculate nside from a given lenspart matrice.


mat – lens part as scipy.sparse matrix


Healpy nside of the lens part

gamale.mean_deflection(mat, skymap=False)[source]

Computes the mean deflection in radian of the given matrix.

  • mat – lens part, scipy sparse matrix with shape (npix, npix)

  • skymap – if not False: returns entire skymap of size npix


mean deflection in radians

gamale.observed_vector(mat, j)[source]

Return the HEALpix vector of observed directions for a given matrix and extragalactic pixel j.

  • mat – lens part as scipy.sparse matrix

  • j – pixel of the extragalactic direction


observed distribution for extragalactic direction j (HEALpix vector of size npix)

gamale.save_lens_part(mat, fname)[source]

Save the lens part in scipy.sparse matrix format with shape (npix, npix).

  • mat – lens part as scipy.sparse matrix

  • fname – file name to save the lens part (either .npz or .mldat)