Source code for nucleitools

Tools for calculating nuclei properties
import numpy as np

ELEMENT_CHARGE = {'h': 1, 'he': 2, 'li': 3, 'be': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6, 'n': 7, 'o': 8, 'si': 14, 'fe': 26}

[docs]def nucleus2id(mass, charge): """ Given a mass and charge number, returns the nucleus ID (2006 PDG standard). :param mass: mass number :param charge: charge number :return: nucleus ID """ return 1000000000 + charge * 10000 + mass * 10
[docs]def id2z(pid): """ Given a nucleus ID (2006 PDG standard), returns the charge number. :param pid: nucleus ID :return: charge number """ return pid % 1000000000 // 10000
[docs]def id2a(pid): """ Given a nucleus ID (2006 PDG standard), returns the mass number. :param pid: nucleus ID :return: mass number """ return pid % 10000 // 10
[docs]class Charge2Mass: """ Convert the charge of a cosmic ray to it's mass by different assumptions """ def __init__(self, charge): self.scalar = isinstance(charge, (int, float)) charge = np.array([charge]) if self.scalar else np.array(charge) self.type = charge.dtype self.charge = charge
[docs] def double(self): """ Simple approach of mass = 2 * Z """ # mass = 2 * Z mass = 2. * self.charge mass[mass <= 2] = 1 # For H, probably mass=1 return self._return(mass)
[docs] def empiric(self): """ A = Z * (2 + a_c / (2 a_a) * A**(2/3)) [https: // / wiki / Semi - empirical_mass_formula] with a_c = 0.714 and aa = 23.2 Inverse approximation: A(Z) = 2 * Z + a * Z**b with a=0.0200 and b = 1.748 """ a = 0.02 b = 1.748 mass = 2. * self.charge + a * self.charge ** b mass[mass <= 2] = 1 # For H, probably A=1 return self._return(mass)
[docs] def stable(self): """ Using uniform distribution within all stable mass numbers of a certain charge number """ stable = {1: [1], 2: [3, 4], 3: [6, 7], 4: [9], 5: [10, 11], 6: [12, 13], 7: [14, 15], 8: [16, 17, 18], 9: [19], 10: [20, 21, 22], 11: [23], 12: [24, 25, 26], 13: [27], 14: [28, 29, 30], 15: [31], 16: [32, 33, 34, 36], 17: [35, 37], 18: [36, 38, 40], 19: [39, 40, 41], 20: [40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48], 21: [45], 22: [46, 47, 48, 49, 50], 23: [51], 24: [50, 52, 53, 54], 25: [55], 26: [54, 56, 57, 58], 27: [59]} if self.type != int: raise TypeError("Expected int input for stable charge converter!") charge = np.array(self.charge) mass = np.zeros(charge.shape).astype( for zi in np.unique(charge): mask = charge == zi p = np.ones(len(stable[zi])) / len(stable[zi]) mass[mask] = np.random.choice(stable[zi], size=np.sum(mask), p=p).astype( return self._return(mass)
def _return(self, mass): if self.type == int: mass = np.rint(mass).astype(int) return mass[0] if self.scalar else mass
[docs]class Mass2Charge: """ Convert the mass of a cosmic ray to it's charge by different assumptions """ def __init__(self, mass): self.scalar = isinstance(mass, (int, float)) mass = np.array([mass]) if self.scalar else np.array(mass) self.type = mass.dtype self.mass = mass
[docs] def double(self): """ Simple approach of charge: Z = A / 2 """ # Z = A / 2 charge = self.mass / 2. charge[charge < 1] = 1 # Minimum is 1 return self._return(charge)
[docs] def empiric(self): """ A = Z * (2 + a_c / (2 a_a) * A**(2/3)) [https: // / wiki / Semi - empirical_mass_formula] with a_c = 0.714 and a_a = 23.2 """ a_c = 0.714 a_a = 23.2 charge = self.mass / (2 + a_c / (2 * a_a) * self.mass**(2 / 3.)) charge[charge < 1] = 1 # Minimum is 1 return self._return(charge)
[docs] def stable(self): """ Using uniform distribution within all possible stable charges of a certain mass number (can not deal with float inputs and unstable A = 5, 8) """ stable = {1: [1], 2: [1], 3: [2], 4: [2], 6: [3], 7: [3], 9: [4], 10: [5], 11: [5], 12: [6], 13: [6], 14: [7], 15: [7], 16: [8], 17: [8], 18: [8], 19: [9], 20: [10], 21: [10], 22: [10], 23: [11], 24: [12], 25: [12], 26: [12], 27: [13], 28: [14], 29: [14], 30: [14], 31: [15], 32: [16], 33: [16], 34: [16], 35: [17], 36: [16, 18], 37: [17], 38: [18], 39: [19], 40: [18, 19, 20], 41: [19], 42: [20], 43: [20], 44: [20], 45: [21], 46: [20, 22], 47: [22], 48: [20, 22], 49: [22], 50: [22, 24], 51: [23], 52: [24], 53: [24], 54: [24, 26], 55: [25], 56: [26], 57: [26], 58: [26], 59: [27]} if self.type != int: raise TypeError("Expected int input for stable charge converter!") if 5 in self.mass: raise KeyError("A=5 excluded because no stable nucleus exists!") if 8 in self.mass: raise KeyError("A=8 excluded because no stable nucleus exists!") mass = np.array(self.mass) charge = np.zeros(mass.shape).astype( for mi in np.unique(mass): mask = mass == mi p = np.ones(len(stable[mi])) / len(stable[mi]) charge[mask] = np.random.choice(stable[mi], size=np.sum(mask), p=p).astype( return self._return(charge)
def _return(self, charge): if self.type == int: charge = np.rint(charge).astype(int) return charge[0] if self.scalar else charge
[docs]def iter_loadtxt(filename, delimiter='\t', skiprows=0, dtype=float, unpack=False): # pragma: no cover """ Lightweight loading function for large tabulated data files in ASCII format. Memory requirement is greatly reduced compared to np.genfromtxt and np.loadtxt. """ def iter_func(): """helper function""" line = "" with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as infile: for _ in range(skiprows): next(infile) for line in infile: line = line.rstrip().split(delimiter) for item in line: yield dtype(item) iter_loadtxt.rowlength = len(line) data = np.fromiter(iter_func(), dtype=dtype) data = data.reshape((-1, iter_loadtxt.rowlength)) if unpack: return data.transpose() return data