Source code for healpytools

Extensions to healpy that covers:
-> pixel, vector, angular transformations
-> drawing vectors uniformly in pixel
-> various probability density functions (exposure, fisher, dipole)

import healpy as hp
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from healpy import *    # keep namespace of healpy
import numpy as np

from astrotools import coord

[docs]def rand_pix_from_map(healpy_map, n=1): """ Draw n random pixels from a HEALpix map. :param healpy_map: healpix map (not necessarily normalized) :param n: number of pixels that are drawn from the map :return: an array of pixels with size n, that are drawn from the map """ p = np.cumsum(healpy_map) return p.searchsorted(np.random.rand(n) * p[-1])
[docs]def rand_vec_from_map(healpy_map, n=1, nest=False): """ Draw n random vectors from a HEALpix map. :param healpy_map: healpix map (not necessarily normalized) :param n: number of pixels that are drawn from the map :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: an array of vectors with size n, that are drawn from the map """ pix = rand_pix_from_map(healpy_map, n) nside = hp.get_nside(healpy_map) return rand_vec_in_pix(nside, pix, nest)
[docs]def rand_vec_in_pix(nside, ipix, nest=False): """ Draw vectors from a uniform distribution within a HEALpixel. :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: vectors containing events from the pixel(s) specified in ipix """ if not nest: ipix = hp.ring2nest(nside, ipix=ipix) n_order = nside2norder(nside) n_up = 29 - n_order i_up = ipix * 4 ** n_up i_up += np.random.randint(0, 4 ** n_up, size=np.size(ipix)) v = pix2vec(nside=2 ** 29, ipix=i_up, nest=True) return np.array(v)
[docs]def rand_exposure_vec_in_pix(nside, ipix, a0=-35.25, zmax=60, coord_system='gal', deviation=0.5, nest=False): """ Draw vectors from a distribution within a HEALpixel that follow the exposure distribution within the pixel. It is much slower than rand_vec_in_pix() and should therefore only be used for problematic pixels (close to zero exposure). :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) :param a0: latitude of detector (-90, 90) in degrees (default: Auger) :param zmax: maximum acceptance zenith angle (0, 90) degrees :param coord_system: choose between different coordinate systems - gal, eq, sgal, ecl :param deviation: maximum relative deviation between exposure values in pixel corners :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: vectors containing events from the pixel(s) specified in ipix """ ipix = np.atleast_1d(ipix) vecs = np.zeros((3, ipix.size)) mask = check_problematic_pixel(nside, ipix, a0, zmax, deviation) vecs[:, ~mask] = rand_vec_in_pix(nside, ipix[~mask], nest) if not nest: ipix = hp.ring2nest(nside, ipix=ipix) for pix in np.unique(ipix[mask]): n = np.sum(ipix == pix) # increase resolution of healpy schemes cooresponding to number of crs per pixel n_up = max(3, int(np.ceil(np.log10(10*n) / np.log10(4)))) pix_new = pix * 4 ** n_up + np.arange(4 ** n_up) v = pix2vec(nside=nside * 2**n_up, ipix=pix_new, nest=True) if coord_system != 'eq': v = getattr(coord, '%s2eq' % coord_system)(v) p = coord.exposure_equatorial(coord.vec2ang(v)[1], a0, zmax) pixel = np.random.choice(pix_new, size=n, replace=False, p=p/np.sum(p)) vecs[:, ipix == pix] = pix2vec(nside=nside * 2**n_up, ipix=pixel, nest=True) return np.array(vecs)
[docs]def check_problematic_pixel(nside, ipix, a0, zmax, deviation=0.5, coord_system='gal'): """ Checks input pixel for exposure deviation within the corner points from more than certain threshold (default: 0.5). :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) :param a0: latitude of detector (-90, 90) in degrees (default: Auger) :param zmax: maximum acceptance zenith angle (0, 90) degrees :param deviation: maximum deviation between exposure values in pixel corners :param coord_system: choose between different coordinate systems - gal, eq, sgal, ecl """ npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) v = np.swapaxes(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), step=1), 0, 1).reshape(3, -1) if coord_system != 'eq': v = getattr(coord, '%s2eq' % coord_system)(v) # exposure values of corner points exposure = coord.exposure_equatorial(coord.vec2ang(v)[1], a0, zmax).reshape((npix, 4)) # check for maximal deviation of corner points _min, _max = np.min(exposure, axis=-1), np.max(exposure, axis=-1) mask = _max > 0 eps = np.min(_min[_min > 0]) / 2. _min[_min < eps] = eps mask = mask * (_max / _min > (1 + deviation)) return mask[ipix]
[docs]def pix2map(nside, ipix): """ Converts healpy pixel to healpix map :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) in nside scheme :return: healpix map of size npix """ npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) ipix = np.atleast_1d(ipix) assert (ipix < npix).all(), "Nside does not match the given pixel(s)!" return np.bincount(ipix, minlength=npix)
[docs]def pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest=False): """ Convert HEALpixel ipix to cartesian vector Substitutes hp.pix2vec :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: vector of the pixel center(s) """ v = hp.pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest=nest) return np.asarray(v)
[docs]def pix2ang(nside, ipix, nest=False): """ Convert HEALpixel ipix to spherical angles (astrotools definition) Substitutes hp.pix2ang :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: pixel number(s) :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: angles (phi, theta) in astrotools definition """ v = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest=nest) phi, theta = coord.vec2ang(v) return phi, theta
[docs]def ang2vec(phi, theta): """ Substitutes healpy.ang2vec() to use our angle convention :param phi: longitude, range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction :param theta: latitude, range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction :return: vector of shape (3, n) """ return coord.ang2vec(phi, theta)
[docs]def ang2pix(nside, phi, theta, nest=False): """ Convert spherical angle (astrotools definition) to HEALpixel ipix Substitutes hp.ang2pix :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param phi: longitude in astrotools definition :param theta: latitude in astrotools definition :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: pixel number(s) """ v = ang2vec(phi, theta) # mimic ValueError behavior from healpys function ang2pix() if not np.all(hp.isnsideok(nside)): raise ValueError("%s is not a valid nside parameter (must be a power of 2, less than 2**30)" % str(nside)) ipix = hp.vec2pix(nside, *v, nest=nest) return ipix
[docs]def vec2ang(v): """ Substitutes healpy.vec2ang() to use our angle convention. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :return: tuple consisting of - phi [range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction], - theta [range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction] """ return coord.vec2ang(v)
[docs]def vec2pix(nside, v, y=None, z=None, nest=False): """ Convert HEALpixel ipix to spherical angles (astrotools definition) Substitutes hp.vec2pix :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the pixel center(s) or only x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate(s) of the center :param z: z-coordinate(s) of the center :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: vector of the pixel center(s) """ if y is None and z is None: v, y, z = v ipix = hp.vec2pix(nside, v, y, z, nest=nest) return ipix
[docs]def query_disc(nside, v, radius, nest=False, **kwargs): """ Substitutes hp.query_disc but supports also pixel number input :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the pixel center or healpy pixel :param radius: radius of disk in radians :param nest: set True in case you work with healpy's nested scheme :return: pixels thay lie within radius from center v """ if isinstance(v, (int, np.int32, np.int64)): v = pix2vec(nside, v, nest=nest) return hp.query_disc(nside, v, radius, nest=nest, **kwargs)
[docs]def angle(nside, ipix, jpix, nest=False, each2each=False): """ Give the angular distance between two pixel arrays. :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param ipix: healpy pixel i (either int or array like int) :param jpix: healpy pixel j (either int or array like int) :param nest: use the nesting scheme of healpy :param each2each: if true, calculates every combination of the two lists v1, v2 :return: angular distance in radians """ v1 = pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest) v2 = pix2vec(nside, jpix, nest) return coord.angle(v1, v2, each2each=each2each)
[docs]def rotate_map(healpy_map, rotation_axis, rotation_angle): """ Perform rotation of healpy map for given rotation axis and angle(s). :param healpy_map: healpix map to be rotated :param rotation_axis: rotation axis, either np.array([x, y, z]) or ndarray with shape (3, n) :param rotation_angle: rotation angle in radians, either float or array size n :return: rotated healpy map, same shape as input healpy map or shape (n, npix) """ rotation_axis = coord.atleast_kd(rotation_axis, 2) nside, npix = hp.get_nside(healpy_map), len(healpy_map) n_ang, n_ax = np.size(rotation_angle), np.shape(rotation_axis)[-1] assert (n_ang == n_ax) or (np.min([n_ang, n_ax]) == 1), "Rotation axes and angles dimensions not compatible." n = np.max([n_ang, n_ax]) rotation_vectors = pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix)) if n > 1: rotation_vectors = np.tile(rotation_vectors, n) rotation_axis = np.repeat(rotation_axis, npix*((n_ax == 1) * n + (n_ax > 1)), axis=1) rotation_angle = np.repeat(rotation_angle, npix*((n_ang == 1) * n + (n_ang > 1))) _vecs = coord.rotate(rotation_vectors, rotation_axis, -rotation_angle) _phi, _theta = vec2ang(np.squeeze(_vecs.reshape((3, -1, npix)))) return hp.get_interp_val(healpy_map, np.pi / 2. - _theta, _phi)
[docs]def norder2npix(norder): """ Give the number of pixel for the given HEALpix order. :param norder: norder of the healpy pixelization :return: npix, number of pixels of the healpy pixelization """ return 12 * 4 ** norder
[docs]def npix2norder(npix): # pylint: disable = no-member """ Give the HEALpix order for the given number of pixel. :param npix: number of pixels of the healpy pixelization :return: norder, norder of the healpy pixelization """ norder = np.log(npix / 12) / np.log(4) if not (norder.is_integer()): raise ValueError('Wrong pixel number (it is not 12*4**norder)') return int(norder)
[docs]def norder2nside(norder): """ Give the HEALpix nside parameter for the given HEALpix order. :param norder: norder of the healpy pixelization :return: nside, nside of the healpy pixelization """ return 2 ** norder
[docs]def nside2norder(nside): # pylint: disable = no-member """ Give the HEALpix order for the given HEALpix nside parameter. :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :return: norder, norder of the healpy pixelization """ norder = np.log2(nside) if not (norder.is_integer()): raise ValueError('Wrong nside number (it is not 2**norder)') return int(norder)
[docs]def statistic(nside, v, y=None, z=None, statistics='count', vals=None): """ Create HEALpix map of count, frequency or mean or rms value. :param nside: nside of the healpy pixelization :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the pixel center(s) or only x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate(s) of the center :param z: z-coordinate(s) of the center :param statistics: keywords 'count', 'frequency', 'mean' or 'rms' possible :param vals: values (array like) for which the mean or rms is calculated :return: either count, frequency, mean or rms maps """ npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pix = vec2pix(nside, v, y, z) n_map = np.bincount(pix, minlength=npix) if statistics == 'count': v_map = n_map.astype('float') elif statistics == 'frequency': v_map = n_map.astype('float') v_map /= max(n_map) # frequency [0,1] elif statistics == 'mean': if vals is None: raise ValueError v_map = np.bincount(pix, weights=vals, minlength=npix) v_map /= n_map # mean elif statistics == 'rms': if vals is None: raise ValueError v_map = np.bincount(pix, weights=vals ** 2, minlength=npix) v_map = (v_map / n_map) ** .5 # rms else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown keyword") return v_map
[docs]def skymap_mean_quantile(skymap, quantile=0.68): """ Calculates mean direction and quantile from an arbitrary healpy skymap :param skymap: healpy skymap of valid healpy size :param quantile: quantile for which the scatter angle is calculated :return: either count, frequency, mean or rms maps """ npix = len(skymap) nside = hp.npix2nside(npix) norm = np.sum(skymap) assert norm > 0 skymap /= norm # calculate mean vector vecs = pix2vec(nside, range(npix)) vec_mean = np.sum(vecs * skymap[np.newaxis], axis=1) vec_mean /= np.sqrt(np.sum(vec_mean**2)) # calculate alpha alpha = np.arccos(np.sum(vecs * vec_mean[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)) srt = np.argsort(alpha) idx = np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(skymap[srt]), quantile) alpha_quantile = alpha[srt][idx] return vec_mean, alpha_quantile
[docs]def exposure_pdf(nside=64, a0=-35.25, zmax=60, coord_system='gal', pdf=True): """ Exposure (type: density function) of an experiment located at equatorial declination a0 and measuring events with zenith angles up to zmax degrees. :param nside: nside of the output healpy map :param a0: equatorial declination [deg] of the experiment (default: AUGER, a0=-35.25 deg) :param zmax: maximum zenith angle [deg] for the events :param coord_system: choose between different coordinate systems - gal, eq, sgal, ecl :param pdf: if false, return relative exposure :return: weights of the exposure map """ npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) v = pix2vec(nside, range(npix)) if coord_system != 'eq': v = getattr(coord, '%s2eq' % coord_system)(v) _, theta = vec2ang(v) exposure = coord.exposure_equatorial(theta, a0, zmax) if pdf is True: exposure /= exposure.sum() return exposure
[docs]def fisher_pdf(nside, v, y=None, z=None, k=None, threshold=4, sparse=False, pdf=True): """ Probability density function of a fisher distribution of healpy pixels with mean direction (x, y, z) and concentration parameter kappa; normalized to 1. :param nside: nside of the healpy map :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the center or only x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate of the center :param z: z-coordinate of the center :param k: kappa for the fisher distribution, 1 / sigma**2 :param threshold: Threshold in sigma up to where the distribution should be calculated :param sparse: returns the map in the form (pixels, weights); this may be meaningfull for small distributions :param pdf: if false, return values with maximum 1 :return: pixels, weights at pixels if sparse else a full map with length nside2npix(nside) """ assert k is not None, "Concentration parameter 'k' for fisher_pdf() must be set!" sigma = 1. / np.sqrt(k) # in radians if (y is not None) and (z is not None): v = np.array([v, y, z]) elif (y is None and z is not None) or (z is None and y is not None): raise ValueError("Either 'y' and 'z' are set to None or both are not None. No mixture allowed.") v = np.squeeze(v) assert v.shape[0] == 3, "Input vector v does not have proper shape (3, ...)" # if alpha_max is larger than a reasonable np.pi then query disk takes care of using only # np.pi as maximum range. if isinstance(k, (float, int)): alpha_max = threshold * sigma else: # type array alpha_max = threshold * np.amax(sigma) pixels = np.array(hp.query_disc(nside, v, alpha_max)) # shape(pixels, ) if len(pixels) == 0: # If sigma is too small, the pixel sequence will be empty pixels = np.array([vec2pix(nside, v)]) weights = np.array([1.]) else: pvec = pix2vec(nside, pixels) # shape(3, pixels) length = np.sum(v ** 2, axis=0) ** 0.5 # shape() d = np.sum(v[:, np.newaxis] * pvec, axis=0) / length # shape(pixels,) # for large values of kappa exp(k * d) goes to infinity which is meaningless. So we use the trick to write: # exp(k * d) = exp(k * d + k - k) = exp(k) * exp(k * (d-1)). As we normalize the function to one in the end, # we can leave out the first factor exp(k) weights = np.exp(k * (d - 1)) if k > 30 else np.exp(k * d) #shape(pixels,) weights = weights / np.sum(weights) if pdf is True else weights / np.max(weights) if sparse: return pixels, weights fisher_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) fisher_map[pixels] = weights return fisher_map
[docs]def dipole_pdf(nside, a, v, y=None, z=None, pdf=True): """ Probability density function of a dipole. Returns 1 + a * cos(theta) for all pixels in hp.nside2npix(nside). :param nside: nside of the healpy map :param a: amplitude of the dipole, 0 <= a <= 1, automatically clipped :param v: either (x, y, z) vector of the pixel center(s) or only x-coordinate :param y: y-coordinate(s) of the center :param z: z-coordinate(s) of the center :param pdf: if false, return unnormalized map (modulation around 1) :return: weights """ assert 0 <= a <= 1, "Dipole amplitude must be between 0 and 1" a = np.clip(a, 0., 1.) if y is not None and z is not None: v = np.array([v, y, z], dtype=np.float) # normalize to one direction = v / np.sqrt(np.sum(v ** 2)) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) v = np.array(pix2vec(nside, np.arange(npix))) cos_angle = np.sum(v.T * direction, axis=1) dipole_map = 1 + a * cos_angle if pdf is True: dipole_map /= np.sum(dipole_map) return dipole_map