Source code for coord

Tools for coordinate transformation and vector calculations
import numpy as np

# Rotation matrix for the conversion : x_galactic = R * x_equatorial (J2000)
_RGE = np.array([[-0.054875539, -0.873437105, -0.483834992],
                 [+0.494109454, -0.444829594, +0.746982249],
                 [-0.867666136, -0.198076390, +0.455983795]])

# Rotation matrix for the conversion : x_supergalactic = R * x_galactic
_RSG = np.array([[-0.73574257480437488, +0.67726129641389432, 0.0000000000000000],
                 [-0.07455377836523376, -0.08099147130697673, 0.9939225903997749],
                 [+0.67314530210920764, +0.73127116581696450, 0.1100812622247821]])

# Rotation matrix for the conversion: x_equatorial = R * x_ecliptic
ECLIPTIC = np.deg2rad(23.44)
_REE = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
                 [0., np.cos(ECLIPTIC), -np.sin(ECLIPTIC)],
                 [0., np.sin(ECLIPTIC), np.cos(ECLIPTIC)]])

[docs]def eq2gal(v): """ Rotate equatorial to galactical coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in galactic coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def gal2eq(v): """ Rotate galactic to equatorial coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in galactic coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def gal2sgal(v): """ Rotate galactic to supergalactic coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in galactic coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in supergalactic coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def sgal2gal(v): """ Rotate supergalactic to galactic coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in supergalactic coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in galactic coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def sgal2eq(v): """ Rotate supergalactic to equatorial coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in supergalactic coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system """ return gal2eq(sgal2gal(v))
[docs]def eq2sgal(v): """ Rotate equatorial to supergalactic coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in supergalactic coordinate system """ return gal2sgal(eq2gal(v))
[docs]def ecl2eq(v): """ Rotate ecliptic to equatorial coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in ecliptic coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def eq2ecl(v): """ Rotate equatorial to ecliptic coordinates (same origin) :param v: cartesian vector(s) of shape (3, n) in equatorial coordinate system :return: vector(s) of shape (3, n) in ecliptic coordinate system """ return, np.asarray(v))
[docs]def dms2rad(degree, minutes, seconds): """ Transform declination (degree, minute, second) to radians :param degree: integer angle of declination in degree :param minutes: arc minute of the declination angle :param seconds: arc second of the declination angle :return: declination angle in radians """ return np.sign(degree) * (np.fabs(degree) + 1. / 60 * minutes + 1. / 3600 * seconds) / 180. * np.pi
[docs]def hms2rad(hour, minutes, seconds): """ Transform right ascension (hour, minute, second) to radians :param hour: integer hour of right ascension :param minutes: arc minute of the right ascension angle :param seconds: arc second of the right ascension angle :return: right ascension angle in radians """ return (hour / 12. + minutes / 720. + seconds / 43200.) * np.pi
[docs]def get_hour_angle(ra, lst): """ Returns the hour angle (in radians) for a specific right ascension and local sidereal time :param ra: right ascension in radians :param lst: local sidereal time in radians :return: hour angle in radians """ return (lst - ra) % (2 * np.pi)
[docs]def alt2zen(elevation): """ Transforms an elevation angle [radians] in zenith angles :param elevation: elevation angle in radians :return: zenith angle in degrees """ return np.pi / 2. - elevation
[docs]def date_to_julian_day(year, month, day): """ Returns the Julian day number of a date from: :param year: year (measured after christ) :param month: month (january: 1, december: 12) :param day: day in the month (1 - 31) """ a = (14 - month) // 12 y = year + 4800 - a m = month + 12 * a - 3 return day + ((153 * m + 2) // 5) + 365 * y + y // 4 - y // 100 + y // 400 - 32045
[docs]def get_greenwich_siderial_time(time): """ Convert civil time to (mean, wrt the mean equinox) Greenwich sidereal time. uncertainty of not taking the apparent time (wrt true equinox) is less then 0.01 deg time must be a datetime object adapted from :param time: class instance of :return: Greenwich sidereal time """ import datetime # [ nDays := number of days between January 0.0 and utc ] date_ord = time.toordinal() jan1_ord =, 1, 1).toordinal() n_days = date_ord - jan1_ord + 1 jan_dt = datetime.datetime(time.year, 1, 1) jan_jd = date_to_julian_day(jan_dt.year, jan_dt.month, - 1.5 s = jan_jd - 2415020.0 t = s / 36525.0 r = (0.00002581 * t + 2400.051262) * t + 6.6460656 u = r - 24 * (time.year - 1900) factor_b = 24.0 - u sidereal_a = 0.0657098 t0 = (n_days * sidereal_a - factor_b) dec_utc = time.hour + 1. / 60. * time.minute + 1. / 3600. * (time.second + time.microsecond * 1.e-6) sidereal_c = 1.002738 gst = (dec_utc * sidereal_c + t0) % 24.0 return gst
[docs]def get_local_sidereal_time(time, ra): """ Convert civil time to local sidereal time :param time: class instance of :param ra: right ascension in radians :return: Local sidereal time (in radians) """ gst = get_greenwich_siderial_time(time) gst *= 2 * np.pi / 24. return (gst + ra) % (2 * np.pi)
[docs]def get_longitude(v, coord_system='gal'): """ Return galactic longitude angle. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param coord_system: coordinate system of the input vectors :return: longitude angle (-pi, pi) """ if coord_system != 'gal': v = globals()['%s2gal' % coord_system](v) return vec2ang(v)[0]
[docs]def get_latitude(v, coord_system='gal'): """ Return galactic latitude angle. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param coord_system: coordinate system of the input vectors :return: latitude angle (-pi/2, pi/2) """ if coord_system != 'gal': v = globals()['%s2gal' % coord_system](v) return vec2ang(v)[1]
[docs]def get_right_ascension(v, coord_system='gal'): """ Return equatorial right ascension angle. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param coord_system: coordinate system of the input vectors :return: declination angle (-pi, pi) """ if coord_system != 'eq': v = globals()['%s2eq' % coord_system](v) return vec2ang(v)[0]
[docs]def get_declination(v, coord_system='gal'): """ Return equatorial declination angle. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param coord_system: coordinate system of the input vectors :return: declination angle (-pi/2, pi/2) """ if coord_system != 'eq': v = globals()['%s2eq' % coord_system](v) return vec2ang(v)[1]
[docs]def get_exposure(v, coord_system='gal', **kwargs): """ Returns exposure values of direction. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param coord_system: coordinate system of the input vectors :param kwargs: Additionally named keyword arguments passed to exposure_equatorial() :return: exposure values """ decs = get_declination(v, coord_system=coord_system) return exposure_equatorial(decs, **kwargs)
[docs]def atleast_kd(array, k): """ Extends numpy.atleast_1d() to arbitrary number of dimensions. """ array = np.asarray(array) return array.reshape(array.shape + (1,) * (k - array.ndim))
[docs]def normed(v): """ Return the normalized (lists of) vectors. :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :return: corresponding normalized vectors of shape (3, n) """ return np.asarray(v) / np.linalg.norm(v, axis=0)
[docs]def distance(v1, v2): """ Linear distance between each pair from two (lists of) vectors. :param v1: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param v2: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :return: linear distance between each pair """ return np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(v1) - np.asarray(v2), axis=0)
[docs]def angle(v1, v2, each2each=False): """ Angular distance in radians for each pair from two (lists of) vectors. Use each2each=True to calculate every combination. :param v1: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param v2: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :param each2each: if true calculates every combination of the two lists v1, v2 :return: angular distance in radians """ a = normed(v1) b = normed(v2) if each2each: d = np.outer(a[0], b[0]) + np.outer(a[1], b[1]) + np.outer(a[2], b[2]) else: if len(a.shape) == 1: a = a.reshape(3, 1) if len(b.shape) == 1: b = b.reshape(3, 1) d = np.sum(a * b, axis=0) return np.arccos(np.clip(d, -1., 1.))
[docs]def vec2ang(v): """ Get spherical angles (phi, theta) from a (list of) vector(s). :param v: vector(s) of shape (3, n) :return: tuple consisting of - phi [range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction], - theta [range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction] """ x, y, z = np.asarray(v) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arctan2(z, (x * x + y * y) ** .5) return phi, theta
[docs]def ang2vec(phi, theta): """ Get vector from spherical angles (phi, theta) :param phi: range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction :param theta: range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction :return: vector of shape (3, n) """ assert np.ndim(phi) == np.ndim(theta), "Inputs phi and theta in 'coord.ang2vec()' must have same shape!" x = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) y = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi) z = np.sin(theta) return np.array([x, y, z])
[docs]def sph_unit_vectors(phi, theta): """ Get spherical unit vectors e_r, e_phi, e_theta from spherical angles phi theta. :param phi: range (pi, -pi), 0 points in x-direction, pi/2 in y-direction, float or array_like :param theta: range (pi/2, -pi/2), pi/2 points in z-direction, float or array_like :return: shperical unit vectors e_r, e_phi, e_theta; each with shape (3, N) """ assert np.ndim(phi) == np.ndim(theta), "Inputs phi and theta in 'coord.sph_unit_vectors()' must have same shape!" sp, cp = np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi) st, ct = np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta) e_r = np.array([ct * cp, ct * sp, st]) e_phi = np.array([-sp, cp, np.zeros_like(phi)]) e_theta = np.array([-st * cp, -st * sp, ct]) return np.array([e_r, e_phi, e_theta])
[docs]def rotation_matrix(rotation_axis, rotation_angle): """ Rotation matrix for given rotation axis and angle. See :param rotation_axis: rotation axis, either np.array([x, y, z]) or ndarray with shape (3, n) :param rotation_angle: rotation angle in radians, either float or array size n :return: rotation matrix R, either shape (3, 3) or (3, 3, n) Example: R = rotation_matrix( np.array([4,4,1]), 1.2 ) v1 = np.array([3,5,0]) v2 =, v1) """ assert np.ndim(rotation_axis) > np.ndim(rotation_angle), "Shape of rotation axis and angle do not not match" rotation_axis = normed(rotation_axis) a = np.cos(rotation_angle / 2.) b, c, d = - rotation_axis * np.sin(rotation_angle / 2.) r = np.array([[a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d, 2 * (b * c - a * d), 2 * (b * d + a * c)], [2 * (b * c + a * d), a * a + c * c - b * b - d * d, 2 * (c * d - a * b)], [2 * (b * d - a * c), 2 * (c * d + a * b), a * a + d * d - b * b - c * c]]) return np.squeeze(r)
[docs]def rotate(v, rotation_axis, rotation_angle): """ Perform rotation for given rotation axis and angle(s). :param v: vector that is supposed to be rotated, either np.array([x, y, z]) or ndarray with shape (3, n) :param rotation_axis: rotation axis, either np.array([x, y, z]) or ndarray with shape (3, n) :param rotation_angle: rotation angle in radians, either float or array size n :return: rotated vector, same shape as input v """ shape = v.shape v, rotation_axis, rotation_angle = np.squeeze(v), np.squeeze(rotation_axis), np.squeeze(rotation_angle) rotation_axis = atleast_kd(rotation_axis, k=max(np.ndim(v), np.ndim(rotation_angle)+1)) r = rotation_matrix(rotation_axis, rotation_angle) if rotation_axis.ndim == 1: return, v).reshape(shape) rotated_vector = np.sum(atleast_kd(r, k=v.ndim+1) * atleast_kd(v[np.newaxis], r.ndim), axis=1) if rotated_vector.size == v.size: rotated_vector = rotated_vector.reshape(shape) return rotated_vector
[docs]def rotate_zaxis_to_x(v, x0): """ Transfers the relative orientation between vectors v and the z-axis towards v and the reference vectors x0. Mathematically, the scalar products z_axis*v before the rotation and x0*v after rotation are the same (see e.g. unit test). :param v: vectors that should be rotated, shape: (3) or (3, n) :param x0: reference vectors of same shape like v """ # defines rotation axis by the cross-product with z-axis u = np.array([x0[1], -x0[0], np.zeros_like(x0[0])]) u[0, np.sum(u**2, axis=0) < 1e-10] = 1 # chose x-axis in case of z-axis for x0 angles = angle(x0, atleast_kd(np.array([0, 0, 1]), k=np.ndim(x0))) return rotate(v, normed(u), angles)
[docs]def exposure_equatorial(dec, a0=-35.25, zmax=60): """ Relative exposure per solid angle of a detector at latitude a0 (-90, 90 degrees, default: Auger), with maximum acceptance zenith angle zmax (0, 90 degrees, default: 60) and for given equatorial declination dec (-pi/2, pi/2) or vectoe. See astro-ph/0004016 :param vec_or_dec: value(s) of declination in radians (-pi/2, pi/2) :param a0: latitude of detector (-90, 90) degrees (default: Auger) :param zmax: maximum acceptance zenith angle (0, 90) degrees :return: exposure value(s) for input declination value(s) """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyUnresolvedReferences if (abs(dec) > np.pi / 2).any(): raise Exception('exposure_equatorial: declination not in range (-pi/2, pi/2)') if (zmax < 0) or (zmax > 90): raise Exception('exposure_equatorial: zmax not in range (0, 90 degrees)') if (a0 < -90) or (a0 > 90): raise Exception('exposure_equatorial: a0 not in range (-90, 90 degrees)') zmax *= np.pi / 180 a0 *= np.pi / 180 xi = (np.cos(zmax) - np.sin(a0) * np.sin(dec)) / np.cos(a0) / np.cos(dec) am = np.arccos(np.clip(xi, -1, 1)) cov = np.cos(a0) * np.cos(dec) * np.sin(am) + am * np.sin(a0) * np.sin(dec) return cov / np.pi # normalize the maximum possible value to 1
[docs]def rand_fisher(kappa, n=1, seed=None): """ Random angles to the center of a Fisher distribution with concentration parameter kappa. :param kappa: concentration parameter, kappa=1/sigma^2 (sigma: smearing angle in radians) either float, or np.array (n is set to kappa.shape[0] then) :param n: number of vectors drawn from fisher distribution :return: theta values (angle towards the mean direction) """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if np.ndim(kappa) > 0: n = kappa.shape return np.arccos(1 + np.log(1 - np.random.random(n) * (1 - np.exp(-2 * kappa))) / kappa)
[docs]def rand_phi(n=1, seed=None): """ Random uniform phi (-pi, pi). :param n: number of samples that are drawn :return: random numbers in range (-pi, pi) """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return (np.random.random(n) * 2 - 1) * np.pi
[docs]def rand_theta(n=1, theta_min=-np.pi/2, theta_max=np.pi/2, seed=None): """ Random theta (pi/2, -pi/2) from uniform cos(theta) distribution. :param n: number of samples that are drawn :return: random theta in range (-pi/2, pi/2) from cos(theta) distribution """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) assert theta_max > theta_min u = np.sin(theta_min) + (np.sin(theta_max) - np.sin(theta_min)) * np.random.random(n) return np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(u)
[docs]def rand_theta_plane(n=1, seed=None): """ Random theta (pi/2, 0) on a planar surface from uniform cos(theta)^2 distribution. :param n: number of samples that are drawn :return: random theta on plane in range (pi/2, 0) """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return np.pi / 2 - np.arccos(np.sqrt(np.random.random(n)))
[docs]def rand_vec(n=1, seed=None): """ Random spherical unit vectors. :param n: number of vectors that are drawn :return: random unit vectors of shape (3, n) """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return ang2vec(rand_phi(n, seed=seed), rand_theta(n, seed=seed))
[docs]def rand_vec_on_surface(x0, n=1, seed=None): """ Given unit normal vectors x0 orthogonal on a surface, samples one isotropic direction for each given vector x0 from a cos(theta)*sin(theta) distribution :param x0: ortogonal unit vector on the surface, shape: (3, N) :return: isotropic directions for the respective normal vectors x0 """ if np.ndim(np.squeeze(x0)) > 1: n = x0.shape[1] if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # produce random vecs on plane through z-axis v = ang2vec(rand_phi(n, seed=seed), rand_theta_plane(n, seed=seed)) else: v = ang2vec(rand_phi(n, seed=seed), rand_theta_plane(n)) return rotate_zaxis_to_x(v, x0) # rotation to respective surface vector x0
[docs]def rand_vec_on_sphere(n, r=1, seed=None): """ Calculates n random positions x and correpsonding directions on the surface of the sphere as they would arise from an isotropic distribution of cosmic rays in the universe. :param n: number of drawn samples, int :param r: size of the sphere, which scales the position vectors, default: 1 :return: position vectors, directions """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) x = rand_vec(n, seed=seed) v = rand_vec_on_surface(x, seed=seed) else: x = rand_vec(n) v = rand_vec_on_surface(x) return r*x, v
[docs]def rand_exposure_vec(a0=-35.25, zmax=60, n=1, coord_system='gal', res_theta=5000, seed=None): """ Random vecs following the exposure of an experiment (equatorial coordinates). If you need other coordinates, change 'coord_system' keyword to eg. 'eq' or 'sgal'. This method bins theta and samples from corresponding probabilities as the corresponding probability function is not integratable and invertable. :param a0: latitude of detector (-90, 90) in degrees (default: Auger) :param zmax: maximum acceptance zenith angle (0, 90) degrees :param n: number of samples that are drawn :param coord_system: coordinate system of the returned vectors (default: 'gal') :param res_theta: resolution of theta, number of bins in (-pi/2, pi/2) :return: random unit vectors from exposure of shape (3, n), equatorial coordinates """ eps = 1. / res_theta theta_bin = np.linspace(-np.pi/2.+eps, np.pi/2.-eps, num=res_theta) p = np.cos(theta_bin) * exposure_equatorial(theta_bin, a0, zmax) thetas = np.random.choice(theta_bin, n, p=p/p.sum()) + np.random.uniform(-eps, eps, n) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) v = ang2vec(rand_phi(n, seed=seed+1), thetas) else: v = ang2vec(rand_phi(n), thetas) if coord_system != 'eq': v = globals()['eq2%s' % coord_system](v) return v
[docs]def rand_fisher_vec(vmean, kappa, n=1, seed=None): """ Random Fisher distributed vectors with mean direction vmean and concentration parameter kappa. :param vmean: mean direction of the fisher distribution, (x, y, z), either shape (3) or (3, n) :param kappa: concentration parameter, translates to 1/sigma^2 (sigma: smearing angle in radians) :param n: number of vectors drawn from fisher distribution, becomes m if vmean has shape (3, m) :return: vectors from fisher distribution of shape (3, n) """ vmean = atleast_kd(vmean, k=np.ndim(kappa)+1) if np.ndim(kappa) > 0: n = kappa.shape elif np.ndim(vmean) > 1: n = vmean.shape[1:] # create random fisher distributed directions around z-axis (0, 0, 1) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) theta = np.pi / 2 - rand_fisher(kappa, n, seed=seed) phi = rand_phi(theta.shape, seed=seed) else: theta = np.pi / 2 - rand_fisher(kappa, n) phi = rand_phi(theta.shape) # rotate these to reference vector vmean return rotate_zaxis_to_x(ang2vec(phi, theta), vmean)
[docs]def equatorial_scrambling(v, n=1, coord_system='gal', seed=None): """ Performs a scrambling of the input vectors v around the equatorial z-axis. In this sense it keeps the declination while assigning new uniform azimuth angles. :param v: Input vectors in equatoial coordinates and shape (3, ncrs) :param n: Number of scrambled output sets :param coord_system: coordinate system for input vectors :return: scrambled vectors in shape (3, n, ncrs) """ decs = get_declination(v, coord_system) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) v_scrambled = ang2vec(rand_phi(v.shape[1] * n, seed=seed), np.tile(decs, n)) else: v_scrambled = ang2vec(rand_phi(v.shape[1] * n), np.tile(decs, n)) if coord_system != 'eq': v_scrambled = globals()['eq2%s' % coord_system](v_scrambled) return np.reshape(v_scrambled, (3, n, -1)) if n > 1 else np.reshape(v_scrambled, (3, -1))